Sunday, March 2, 2008


Waiting waiting waiting.......for what you ask.....
for our wonderful grandson to be born. Soon we will have another little one to hold in our arms.
What a joy they are. You wonder what their lives will be like and what they will grow up to be and their journey along the way.

I have so much fun with my granddaughters. They are getting old enough to want to sew and do things more. They have always been lots of fun.
One of the things I like doing best is blowing bubbles with them. To watch their wonder and excitement and chasing them to catch them. Then there are the silly conversations that you have but they are very serious to them. I think we all have a need to be listened to and heard. To know that we are important to those who are close to us. I want to listen to those who are important in my life, to be engaged and a part of their lives. And vice a versa.

So the wait and expectation continues.......more later......