Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spring time and spring cleaning seem to go hand in hand.  It is when you look around from the winter hibernation and go, who in the world made this crazy mess.....that would be me.  Since when do I need all this stuff....I don't....thus begins the cleaning, or should I say shoveling out the house.  So far 2 goodwill runs in my little Geo and a couple runs up to the dumpster and believe you me there is more. 

This is when you truly think of lighting a match and fanning fast....but then you would get rid of what you really want along with that that you need to pass onto another loving home....so a sorting I will continue to go.  Yes, I am still on the clear bin organizing...it seems to have morphed into so much more....the word overwhelming could come to mind if I choose to let it...I will NOT!!!!!  There is too much to do and I can see a teeny tiny ray of light through here....now where did it go..........lol

Saturday, April 17, 2010

So it is a Saturday almost afternoon again.....how does the time go by so quickly....but it sure does.
I got the priviledge of learning what costochondritis was.  Don't you love the fancy names they give.  It means the cartilage where my ribs attach are inflamed.  Now how did I do this?  I have absolutley no clue and neither did  the MD.  The funniest part was it ususally happens to teenagers.  See I told you I was young at heart, where appartently in parts of my body too!!!!!  I would laugh but that smarts to do.

The birds are singing and the rain has been here and is gone for a wee bit.  The daffodils are blooming, showing their lovely yellow faces most profusely.  It smells like spring in the air.  I love that smell.  It also means I should be thinking of checking for weeds, for now I am just going to enjoy the daffodils, weed pulling will commence much later.....

Sewing.....zelch for now.  Taking care of myself....a must.  So for now, I will rad some blogs and go rest up again....ahhh what a life of luxury I lead.....grin.