Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 28, 2011

So it is evening here and I have decided to sit down and write.  What in the world do I write about?  About my ordinary days which make an extraordinary life.   I think about that often, as I do laundry, make meals, do dishes.  All of these things are so repetitive at times, but must happen.  So how do I make them play instead of work. Hmmmm.  I seem to have to be "in the mood"  to get er done.  I am not sure why that is, but as of late, it seems to be that way.  I wake up going, I need to do this.  It is what I end up working on for the day.  Yesterday was working on some of my buried sewing room.  Yes, you read that right, buried.

For the last while, it is where everything seems to get put.  I will get to it later.  Later has arrived and it is time to have my creative space cleaned out and organized again.  As I go along, I realise what will work better and what is not working in this space.  It is just a continuing evolution of change.  Like finding two Mary Englelbrett Christmas tins that will make me smile all year round and store, some pre-wound bobbins.  It is finding unique, fun storage ideas that make me smile.  I have a little dresser, miniature that holds my needles.  It has great memories because it is from a very special gal to me.  It is a mix in here that makes it my space.

So when you create a space for yourself, what will it include?  What is important to you?  What makes you smile?  What makes you giggle and has a memory that makes you laugh?   Surrounding myself with  those kind of items creates a room full of fun and creativity.  A room that makes you smile, now good can that be!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27, 2011

Just hanging out in my sewing room,  lookin around at the mess going, this is it, you are getting done in here.  No more working on other parts of the house, I want to get this done.  I need my creative spot back in order to get to do some fun stuff, like sew a couple of table runners, work on some of my projects in motion.  In my house, there will always be projects in motion.  Getting them finished shall be the goal for this year.  To finish up some of those great projects in motion. 

Is that a New Year's resolution.  No.  It is a thought that I want to put into motion.  To do for me.  I have spent a good portion of my life doing for others, it is time for some me time.  Time to sit quietly and contemplate what I want to do now.  What do I want to grow up to  But I think about that some times.  Your children grow up and move out, you start to contemplate the possibilities that you can do. 

Mine have been out of the house for a few years, grand babies came shortly after that,  now it is time to take a breath and look around.  What would I like to do.  What am I capable of doing.  What do I truly enjoy.
Where would I like to go if money was no object.  It is being aware that there are still plenty of dreams inside of me.  That they are possible.  For now, it is working on my creative space......

What is it that would make your heart sing?  Sit down and take the time, in some quiet to discover what that is.....I know that I am.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to all

and to all a good night.  May each of you have a day of good laughs, family(how ever you make up yours),  some quiet moments to reflect, and a joyous New year.

Friday, December 16, 2011

December 15, 2011

I had a wonderful day yesterday, all because I actually had some decent sleep.  It is amazing how much better life looks when I am not sleep deprived.  I actually got a few things done around the house that I wanted to, which makes the day seem lighter.
Today was much more challenging, sleeping was not on the agenda until early this morning, then it was fitful.  It happens like that, for whatever reasons.  So I am trying to be kinder to myself, when my days are like that.  I don't make a list for myself, I puttered for a little, then curled up on the couch, wrapped in warm blankets.  I did have to do a quick clean up in the chicken coop with my dd's help.  I was very thankful for the help.  The chickens were very thankful for dry bedding.  Their waterier leaks a little, but they so do not help.  I swear they like making a big fat mess, then look at me like, who us.  It is still chilly here, so they have had to spend a little more time in the coop, but when it doesn't come above freezing, and the heater is on in their coop, they get a little more restless.  They still give up an egg or two, but I think right now they are protesting at the cold.

I do know this, that I truly do enjoy having them.  My grand daughter enjoys watering them, she isn't afraid of them like she was at first.  I have 4 regular breed and a few Bantys.  She likes them a lot more.  She has gotten to where she knows exactly how to get the eggs from the hens.  Smart cookie, she is.  I appreciate the help.  My oldest grand is a little intimidated by them still, so will go out with here and give her some encouragement.  Now, grandson loves standing there talking to them.  I have no idea what he tells them, but trust me, he tells them a lot. 

So tonight, I am hoping for a better nights sleep, and if I don't, I have a great book to read!!!!!  I am enjoying reading "The Help".  I so enjoy reading, going to different places and getting different perspectives of life.  It makes you think, be more aware of others when you go out and about. 

So I am going to go enjoy a wonderful hot chocolate and call it a night.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14, 2011

It has been forever since I have written  here, after getting a person who couldn't keep their thoughts to themselves, I let them chase me off.  Now how dumb was that.

I read another friends blog, she hasn't been on for a while, but she reminded me how much I like to just plain write.  Screw what anyone thinks, this isn't about them, it is about me.

The crazy up and downs of my days, the challenge of dealing with a disease that isn't recognized as a disease, trying out new things to help, being challenged when they don't work, having break down days to grieve where I am at, then pick myself up and go again.  Had a couple of friends back in my life, they were missing for a while because their lives had some challenges, glad to have them back again.  A support system is a most for all of us, mine is rather small but it is all I can handle. 

Having energy to do what I want to, I think is one of the biggest challenges. 
Like this Christmas, truly not having the energy to decorate like I like to, having to take a look at the fact that I needed a change this year, that is okay not to do what I have done in the past.  Less stress on myself that way, but trying to figure out what I did want to do, good grief, it has taken me the last 2 will be Christmas before I am done.  And guess what, that is finally okay.

As my parents are getting older, I am dealing with the loss that is to come.  Nothing will truly prepare for that day I can't pick up the phone and be able to talk to them.  I was able to go have Thanksgiving with my family this year and I treasured every minute of it.  You begin to recognize the fact that it won't be all that long  before you are the oldest ones in your I am not saying they are on their death beds, but time truly does march on when you least expect it.

I think that this Christmas has been a time of reflecting for me.  Remembering Christmas's past, the enjoyable memories that have gone with them.  Like my parents having a Santa trap, that they would leave a boot in, it was red and green, looked kinda like an animal one, just simple.  I think my brother has it now, it made us laugh, we still had it out when I was a teenager.  The smell of a real Christmas tree.  Oh how I miss that this year.  We have artifical one, but trust me, if I had the bucks, I real one it would sooooo be.  I am thankful for the artifical one, just need to decorate it.  I guess it doesn't count if you just have it  Hey, I told you, it might take me till Christmas.  I do have lights up, which is making these darker days out much more cheery.  It gets dark quick further north.  Soon the days will be adding minutes at a time and the dark doesn't last long....when it snows, it is so very bright.

I so had to laugh at myself a couple weeks back when I was bemoaning the fact that it didn't seem like Christmas yet without the snow.  Now mind you, I was not raised in snow country and have only been here ten years, rain was what we  So too be bemoaning no snow like I have, had me laughing.  I also realised how much I truly do like the four seasons.  Now if we would only get

So for now, going to go one day at a time.  Today was just letting myself curl up with a good book, warm blanket and relax.  I think I need to do that more often, instead of beating myself up for what I can't do.  Hey I am still alive and kicking and that, my friends, counts!!!!!