Sunday, September 28, 2008

So you think you are keeping up with things until you look at the date of your last post, eeehhhh gadssss how did that happen. The last time I posted was after the quilt
I could say I was recouperating from it, which I was, but in truth have just been dealing with ordinary life. Clean up the floors, wash the dishes, do the laundry, feed the animals, play with grand kids, take care of niece hospital visit and doc visit after, no matter, you take care of family, catch back up on sleep. I have to tell you, when I miss a nights sleep now, it takes days to catch up. I remember when younger how, you just slept in and kept going. My how life has changed, or come to think of it, I did get mono from burning the candle at both ends....hmmmm
Does this mean I can say I have gained some wisdom because now I catch up on that sleep by taking it easier and taking those naps and going to bed
At least I sure would hope so!!!!!
So this week, I am taking a trip to Kentucky. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am meeting up with some wonderful farm girls at a gathering there at Miss Wilmas. I get to learn crafts that I haven't done before. So since this is only my 4th plane trip in my life, you can imagine my slight nervousness.....getting there on time, making it to the gates on time, making sure I don't have anything that isn't suppose to go on a plane, wondering how well the silly Fibro will be.....looking forward to meeting gals I have talked to for a long time in person, laughing, eating very well, a pie made by Jonni, Miss Wilma and her antics. I know for sure that I won't be able to keep up with her, she is one woman who gets an astounding amount of life done in a day. Getting together with women from different parts of the country and learning what their lives are like, how they cope with challenges, knowing that laughter truly is the best medicine for me. So I am sure I will come home with plenty of stories and good laughs, enough for a lifetime.
Now that sounds delightful,
so whatever adventure you have planned for the day, whether just dealing with ordinary life, or something more, delight in it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

These are a couple of photos and not always so good of the lovely place I got to go to for a small gathering of friends for a quilt retreat.
It was nice to take the break and funny how you don't realize how much you need one until you have gone and come back.
The place we went to is Simply Country Retreats. The gals that started it quilted with their friends and wanted a place where others could go and do the same. It is set up so well for doing just that or crafting. If you want to take a better look at the place go to to take better looks at the place.
It was a wonderful group of ladies, 4 that I already knew and 4 I didn't. We came from all different ages and backgrounds so it makes it fun to get to know others lives. For the first day, I spent a lot of time just chatting and getting set up, having a leisurely dinner. Then down to sew and laugh some more.
On Friday I actually got some sewing done, I have had the pattern for Jinny Beyers Moonglow for a very long time, but when I bought it I was not up for the difficult of a pattern,not sure I still am. I did get one block done and I thought that was exceptional because I really was exhausted. Prior to getting to go, 2 of the wonderful grand kids were sick, one has asthma. She was in duress and we tag team as a family unit when it is like that. Needless to say, sleep isn't something that happens then. So on the day I was to leave, dd came down and followed the list and helped groggy me pack up. I will have to say the drive out their was spectacular because you drive out through wheat field territory and the golden color is awesome. So I considered Friday a success with getting that one block done, then I worked on another smaller project that I got a head start on Friday and Saturday. It was a good break for me, regardless of what I got done. Sometimes just having the time to connect with woman is the important part of the trip. AT least it turned out being that way for me this time. Woman need woman at times, to bounce ideas off of, to share a tear and a laugh, to commiserate and to move on. We are unique that is for sure and I sure appreciate the wonderful time of uniqueness I had.
Have a wonderful time connecting with the women in your life......

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Now aren't I just a cutie, Nana sure thinks so......
A couple of pictures I took this week when baby boy was hanging out and playing at Nana and Papa's house. His smile can sure make me smile especially on a day where life just didn't go as planned. You know those days, where you think, okay, I am just going to do this little bit in my sewing room, only to realize that there was a mouse capade that had happened in the kitchen and you just discovered. So life takes the detour that ends up taking a few days instead of the one that you were hoping for. When you finally get back to your sewing room, it has exploded, kaput, everything everywhere and you are leaving for retreat, mind you quilt retreat in days. Panic begins to set you because you realize you cannot find anything in your sewing room at all, your sewing machine is buried, what floor, are you sure I have one, how many days do I have....where is the shovel when you need it.....yep that would be my last week and today. So me thinks, I have to unbury myself a little more and find stuff for quilt retreat. Then abandon ship!!!!!!!!
Here is to hoping your adventures are not so crazy, but knowing life......yep, here it

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Was out in the yard checking out how the tomatoes were doing and caught this picture of the bee busy working. Kinda like I have been doing in the house. Found the lovely present of a couple of mouse "presents" so cleaned all the cupboards. That wasn't on my agenda at all, but the kitchen has had its fall cleaning to say the least. My body sure as heck does know it. Overdoing for me is a painful, painful process. Overdoing means my muscles go on fire and spasm, but at times you just can't help it. Like having to be on mouse patrol. So I will be the couch potato for a few days and try and settle it all down.
Getting to see the bee in the flower and actually getting a good picture was a gift for me today. When you are feeling down and your body is revolting, getting a moment like that picture was precious. Just like watching the hummingbird lit in the butterfly bush, or my grandson giggling. It doesn't take big thrills, just the every day extraordinary life. Seeing the wonder in small things, makes the load lighter. Don't we all need those small moments to lighten our loads. So here is hoping you have a small moment of wonder to lighten your load today.