Thursday, March 18, 2010

Guess what I found in my front yard yesterday?
It would be this beautiful crocus in bloom, the first bloom of spring here.  That was an awesome suprize to get.  Oh the joys of gardening and seeing those first flowers beging, knowing that digging in the dirt will soon follow.  I like digging in the dirt and moving plants around and enjoying all the wonderful blooms through spring, summer and fall.  It makes me smile for sure.  So here is to the coming of spring and playing in the dirt.....

Friday, March 12, 2010

So it has taken most of the week to recoup from that lovely refer adventure.  Having that crazy thing stuck  in the doorway for 3 hours was not so good for this girl.  We finally got help from daughter and friend, who manuevered that beast to the bottom of the steps so we could put the new one in. Needless to say I literally shoved everything into the new one and called it a day.  Still working on my small kitchen to get it back to order, but a little bit every day will do the trick. 

Fibro has been a definite pooh bucket.  One of those weeks when crawling out of one's skin for a couple of minutes just to get some releif would have been good.   Now wouldn't that be cool if I could do that.  Instead taken it a lot easier, have to give the body time to do a little recouping before I try anything like that again. 
Thankfully no heavy lifting is required for anything in the future.

We have had snow, rain, sunshine and fog in less than 5 days....yes, spring is arriving!!!!  March can do it all and sometimes in the same day.   My daffodils are up a bit higher along with my tulips.  Can't wait to see them all in bloom. They say a dusting of snow tonight and then we get 50's for a couple of days and sunshine.  Tomorrow is our St Patricks Day Parade here.  I for one am going to stay home, curled up in a nice warm blanket with a cup of cocoa.  Now there is a good idea, a cup of cocoa....I am out of here because warmth is sounding good.  Later.................

Monday, March 8, 2010

The REFER is finally where it should many hours later, a call for help again, some muscles came to help out the muscles that gave out and the stuff is back in our new refer, this was not an adventure to have on a otherwise leisurely Sunday....but thankfully it is done!!!!!!!  LOL

Sunday, March 7, 2010

THE REFER ADVENTURE....................
So our very old referigerator has finally died.  We were given a new to us, used one that works great.  We cleaned it up and are ready to move it in.  So I unload the old one, clean off the top, take all the magents off of it.  Now that was a chore all in itself.  We get the older refer to the front door, get it part way through and realize we have changed the door and it won't fit.  So back the refer goes a few feet, we take off our front door, we get it part way through again and hubby's sugar level drops.  We must stop again.....till his numbers are where they should be.  By this time, my fibro is making me shake so bad I can't stand up.....ok, we might need some help.  Call neighbor who said he would be here shortly, an hour we are, too pooped to go forward as the sun begins its slow descent and my house starts cooling off because there is no front door on....are we having fun

Friday, March 5, 2010

This is Mr. man on his Second birthday yesterday.  That blanket he is wrapped in is what we made for him.  On one side is Disney Cars and the other side is Sponge Bob, his two favorite things right
When I gave it to him, he did not know which side to look at and the fact that both of what he liked was on one blanket mystified him for a minute or two.  Those giggles of delight were worth it all!!!!!

                                                  Aren't those some sweet baby blues!!!!!!

Worth it all, meaning rotten shoulder pain and stabbing myself with the needle more than once when sewing the binding on.  Yes, the word klutz did come to my mind when I keep stabbing

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I smile everytime I see that picture of the new little one.  I went and saw him yesterday since it was his one week mark.  He is even cuter now than he was then.  Mom looks good too.  Had a good visit and then headed for home.

We have had amazing weather for the last 2 days.  It has been in the 50's and I want to go play in the dirt.  The challenge being it is too early to do a lot.  I dream of moving the rose bush so it can spread out more, moving my irises so they are in a spot that I can see and enjoy them more, then there is the clean up, whose back yard is that anyway.....mine, dang buckets....and it is a mess.  One mess at a time, I am still working in the house, so will work on that for now.  Otherwise it can be a bit overwhelming and make you want to bolt and run.  Calgon take me

So the task to orgainize continues, slower than expected but when it is done, it is finally done.  Now won't that be a relief for this girl!!!!!  Here is to hoping you are enjoying whatever project you are planning or list seems to keep getting longer.....grin.