Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yes, I do love petunias.
I plant them in planters every year and enjoy their color and the sweetest of their blooms. I have 4 planters full of them this year and have enjoyed every moment of their pinks and purples, stripped and plain. Taking the moments to enjoy them has been something I have been doing this summer. Yep, dead heading them as well.
My neighbor, who we call Grandma Emma, enjoys them everys summer with me. Next year I am going to have to plant her a planter full on her front porch so she can smile everytime she walks out the door. Didn't think about it quick enough this summer.

We have been enjoying real live tomatoes off of our tomatoe plants and some globe zuchinnis, lemon cucs are close but not quite there yet. It was a very small garden but we are enjoying the bounty of it. That and we have gotten our first eggs, yummo are they good poached.

Today headed off to the western side of the state for my family reunion. Haven't seen a couple of the aunts and uncles for 4 years. I am really looking forward to spending the time together. Catching up on everybodys lives and sharing ours, that and laughing a lot. So here is to the hooray of that last part of summer before school starts here for grand girls. Hope you are enjoying yours as well.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Now how is that for hanging out and having fun. That would be my grandson and our dog Dudette. She is quite protective of her boy as she considers him her very own.

So today is still hot and I am not doing as well as I want too. Pain for some reason is upped and making me struggle more than I thought I would. Seems just when I get a bit of reprieve here it comes again. My reprieves being less pain, not no pain. How wonderful that would be. But I live in this crazy FM world, where life is just plain different. So will believe for a better day and some time to rejuvenate, meaning resting and naps and go forward from there. So for tonight, it is time to go get some sleep and trust that tomorrow I will be more rested and have a better outlook. So here is to you getting the rejuvenation in whatever form it takes, be it quiet, a nap, a good book, a piece of chocolate, a good laugh, whatever it is for you, take the time and do it.....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It"s here, it's here
Yes, our very first egg from our chickie girls, our heney hens. Now dh says it is because I bought 5 dozen over a week ago, to do salads and other
and they knew they had to start putting matter the reasons,
our very first egg has arrived........

Yes, I
like old
fans. And
ones that
Ok, hubby
fixes them
for me.

One of the other things I enjoy is the old bottles that I have from my brother. He had a house long ago that he lived at that had boxes of old bottles, he has used them a lot and given them away, and they have gotten broken over the years, but off and on he has given me some. These were 2 out of the last box he had of his bottles and he gave them to me. Now how perfect is that. It is fun playing around with my camera and taking pictures. I certainly have been enjoying it. It is a way for me to express myself and share with my friends. That just makes it all the better.

Yes, those are sprigs of lavender from my lavender plants. Ohhh now that is a whole nother story. My dd moved some plants in my flowerbeds for me. 4 of them being my lavenders which I had not realized how big they had gotten in the spots they were in. So I now have a lavender bed because believe you me, they needed more room. It is back by our bedroom window and oh what a great fragrance we will have. A wise move with the chicken coop being back there as well. LOL I knew the plants had out grown their space, I just didn't realize by how much. What a shock when you move them and they have room to spread. One was 3 feet by 3 feet literally. Now wonder it was looking a little bent!!!!!! Just like plants need to grow so do we. We need the room to expand and try new hobbies, or exercise or a different kind of book then we normally read. To just take a step away from our norm and try something new. You never know what that can bring. So spread your wings and see where it takes you.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ok, after several attempts with no luck uploading pictures, I will try for it tomorrow. So you will all have to wait in anticipation of what those pictures

Today has been laid back day, over did it yesterday and I wasn't even the one doing the work, my daughter was. We moved some plants from my flowerbed to her flowerbed. Her flowerbed looks grand, mine looks a little empty. But I need to be patient and let my plants fill in. Next year, it will make it look better and I always can use the excuse that it looks so bare I must buy a couple of plants that are you those magazine articles I have been keeping. I shall have to get them out and start looking at them all and deciding what I want to do.....seee always a good way to get a few new ones. Then when they get overgrown, you give to your dd again or friends and can reinvent the flower garden again......our gardening is never done, now is It is a continual work in progress just like our lives are. So we grow, get pruned, dug up so our roots have more room, and reinvent ourselves. Yep, life is certain a circle now isn't it.
You each have a great day....

Saturday, August 9, 2008

This is so
I can show
my friend
my block
that I am
w orking on.

I still haven't mastered getting pictures into email. Somewhere I have it written down the directions from my mom, but put them some where safe. Now I think it is terribly funny that I have to get directions from my mom, who is 72 so I can figure it out. That just plain makes me laugh.

I had enough energy on Thursday to finally work on some of my quilt blocks, it has been a long time. I love two color quilts and quite a while back I decided to do one for myself. I helped my dear daughter do a red and white one for a friend, and decided then to do one for myself. I love blue and white. I think it should go on my guest bed, hmmmm maybe or on my bed....maybe......not sure for sure where I will put it but I love it and that is all that counts!!!!!

So because I did sew, yesterday with the Fibro was a bit of a pain, last night couldn't sleep, so read blogs and topics on mj. So it was fun to get to catch up on a few of my friends.

I have to go figure out how to add another dear friend to my favorites. She has been taking time for herself, to sort through life. Now don't we all end up doing that. Sometimes for a day, sometimes for much longer. Life can bring such changes, sometimes we really need to take some breaths to catch up with what life has thrown us. Whether it is, you are diagnosed with Fibro like I was, some one in your family passes away, cancer hits you or a family memeber, it literally takes the breath out of you. You have to learn what your "new" normal is going to be. Your life will never be the same as it was, it can't be, you had life altering events happen, so now you have to figure out what your life is really like and what is normal for now. Sometimes you go through several new normals for a while until life settles in again. Trust me, it does settle in again. You might have a time of grieving of what use to be, I still do, but life will return.

Just keep taking one breath at a time, and live will return.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This is my
who won
the best
prize of
all an
from our

Kathie to say you have outdone yourself doesn't even cover it. DD was speechless and cannot even decided which side she likes better. She put it on and didn't take it off till eating. She didn't want to get it messy!!!!!! Girl you so outdid yourself. Kudos to you and her. Thanks Kathie!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How is that
for bright
and pretty
It is
the most

I enjoy color and putting together colors especially in quilts. I haven't truly worked on a quilt top in a long time. So tomorrow, that is my goal, the thing I am going to do for myself. Ok, maybe I should wash the dog first, she is looking grey instead of white, and then, and then. I think I will put the things that need to be done away and enjoy myself in the pure pleasure of something I love doing.

This last week has had tougher news for a couple of my friends, they sure have been in my thoughts and prayers. It makes you start realizing how precious life is, that living it, being in the moments are really important because we don't know what tomorrow brings. Not trying to bring ya all down, just thinking through life.
Having Fibro, I have to live one day at a time. I do not know from one day to the next what my level of pain will be. Not that I won't have any pain, but what level it will be at. I do not know where the pain will be, if it will be all over, in my knees, my shoulders, my back, my elbows, if it will be all my muscles, tendons and ligaments. If walking down my 4 steps will be something that puts me in agony or just pain. If I will want to scream at the top of my lungs to make it stop or if I can just slowly seep through all of me. Here is the good news, I have great friends, ones who encourage me, who make me laugh, who tell me to snap out of it....
that check on me. To me those friends are family along with my family they get me through each and every day, encourage me to adventure out even with dealing with this. For that I am grateful every single moment of my life, it is what gets me through every moment of the day. Thank you to each one of you and you know who you are. Blessings every one.