Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So here I sit, thinking and going, how in the world did the time fly this fast.

Pretty easily I have to Especially during the summer. All my good intentions sometimes just go out the window. It seems like summer just started and here we are heading for August. I had to laugh today when I was thinking about the dog days of summer. Where did that phrase come from. Was it because the dogs had their tongues out panting like crazy because it was so hot? I tend to think this because it has been hot here for a while. Watering and moving the sprinkler have become my exercise for the summer. Getting wet tends to be the benefit from it.

I did do a little tiny garden this year and have gotten one zuchinni from it so far. I had some sugar snap peas and the beans are coming on. I did small amounts of a few veggies. I have 3 tomato plants that have tomato's on them. Now it is the waiting game for them to go read. I did a Topsy Turvy heirloom tomato. I have had lots of blooms but no tomatos yet. It is all an experiment when you garden as to the weather, the rain, and a few other factors. I think I would feel deprieved if I didn't have even a small one. Especially when it comes to tomatoes.
A fresh tomato sandwich, eating one fresh from the vine, nothing better.

Now on the fibromyalgia front. I did do my doc appointment, I learned that I didn't have to stay in the amount of pain that I was in, that we could up the medications. Neurontin for me is working for which I am grateful. It works for some and doesn't for others. For me, it has. We have upped the amounts and now my body is getting assimulated to the change. So far, I feel like a loopey lou, but by the end of the summer it should be settled. So whether I have liked it or not this is to be a restful summer. I have to laugh at times, restful is the way it has to be because this silly girl can't do much else. I have certainly enjoyed going to the library and reading mysteries.

So that has been my summer so far, hope yours have been more adventuresome, or maybe more restful!!!!!!!!