Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The first picture is of Rascal, dd's family's kitty and the second two are of Little bit which we have been babying along. When they were almost 4 weeks old they got a major cold and Rascal kicked it but little bit was under weight and has been fighting every since. Yep, he is our baby here. He isn't frisky a lot like his brother but eventually he will get there.
It has been in the 70's for 2 whole days, which for us this time of year is not the norm. We usually are in the 50's, so these last 2 days have sure spoiled me. I have spent time soaking up the sun, weeding for maybe a whole of 5 minutes, then sitting in the sunshine again.....lol.
Hey there are never wasted moments, sometimes you just plain need to slow down and enjoy the warm day.
I had the priviledge of getting to go to my quilt group's quilt retreat. I have to say it is fantabulous to get to get together with woman, chat, laugh, tell stories, have inside jokes, sew a bit and eat of coarse. It is refreshing to get a chance to get away to different scenery. Makes your perspective go into focus a bit better. I have to say I am tired and it takes me a bit to catch up, but what a way to go!!!!!!!
I have spent off and on in the sewing room to honestly take a stock of what I want to be doing, what needs to wait and go out to our storage area for my quilting stuff. Decisions, decisions, decisions, no wonder I am tired. Yes, it could be the desire to spring clean!!!!! Parish the thought!!!!!
So off to soak up the rest of the sunshine here for today for tomorrow we go back to regular weather....grin.