Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hey there, and how is your night going?

Back to late night, I have been a night time girl for most of my life. I was always the kid in our family that fell asleep last. My folks lived in the Seattle area and my grandparents lived in the Centralia area. So we would drive later at night, and I knew that my parents would stop at Dairy Queen, so I would stay awake. They would stop, my sister and brother would be sleeping and there I was. Yep, I got an ice cream cone....there are benefits to the middle of the night!!!!!!

Benefits are the quiet time, nobody bugging you cause it is time for yourself.

Now grocery shopping late at night is the "bomb". There is hardly anyone around, it is quieter, you can find what you want without the aisles being full of people. I like doing it then. I end up shopping better that way.

So when you want easier grocery shopping, stay up late and then

Have an amazing day.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Surprise, it isn't the middle of the night!

So today was an adventure in buying play wigs for the grands. They come in all kinds of colors and lengths and I think we tried almost all of them on. Oh but did we laugh because dd was trying them on too. It made her daughters giggle a lot seeing there mom in a purple wig, a long green one, one with pigtails and major red streaks in it. Yep, laughing along with them.

Do you ever thing about the phrase "laughter is the best medicine". I am finding out more and more that that is true. Laughing at myself especially. Renting good funny movies, like Little Rascals, watching I love Lucy, listening to jokes from my friends. Let me tell you they have some grand jokes. The only bad part is I can never and I mean never remember the punch lines just the jest of the jokes. Somehow that just doesn't make it when you are trying to tell the joke.
I make my dh laugh when I try to tell a joke cause I am working so hard at trying to remember it that I forget the whole joke. I think he can remember ever joke he was told. Punch lines and

So turn on a funny movie, read a joke book, laugh at the antics of your children, pets and those around you. Just plain enjoy life!!!!!

What time did you say it was?

Yep, up late and my clock on here decided to change to daylight savings time, even though it isn't until next week. My computer didn't go for what congress changed I
This means next weekend we get an extra hour of sleep, or like for me, and extra hour to contemplate.....or drink hot chocolate. I think I am voting for hot chocolate!!!!!

A note for Miss Smoothie juice, yes, I got your comment!!!!! Yippee!!!!
Now ladies and gents you have to understand, we have tried and tried and tried to send emails to each other, but they get sent back, lost in cyberspace never to again see the light of day, or is it the led of the computer.....So this was a nice suprize for this girl!!!!!

So tonight I have been wondering, why do we change the time anway. It confuses our internal clocks. Okay, it confuses my internal clock which can't seem to run on time anyway. If it did, I would proably be sleeping a night. LOL But then again, I do like the quiet and getting to hang with myself and think. No interruptions. Except for my 2 little dogs, whose snoring has its own melody. And let me tell you they can snore. Lucy, who is a shitzu, snores this certain rythmn and Dudette, the mutt, snorts in every once in awhile. They are quite the combination, add my dh to that and it is quite the chorus!!!! I would never snore, hahahahah. So the dogs fit right in with this family.

As you can see tonight my thoughs are wandering all over. Nothing poignant, just life.

Life is made up of so many ordinary moments. Each of those moments count, whether we realize it or not. Thet make impressions on other people around us that we don't even know.
It changes their lives, it changes ours. We are just doing our ordinary stuff.
Like going to the store to pick up a couple of groceries, walking across the parking lot and smiling at people. I remember doing that one day, and a man thanking me. It made me think, whoa. I guess it is when I had a glimpse of how we effect others around us. It was just an ordinary smile that made a difference in someone's life.
So what does your ordinary day include? And whose lives do you touch?
You count, what you do counts, just a smile makes a difference. Isn't that great!!!!!
So share a smile or two and have a great day.

Friday, October 26, 2007

In the quiet of the night.....

Sitting in the quiet of the night seems to be something I have done quite a lot lately.
It gives me time to pray and to reflect and think about my life, to ponder......
Do you ever wonder why you are where you are? I think of all the experiences of my life, some have been very difficult, some easier, some have brought laughter and some tears, but each experience has made me who I am. My character has been developed by those experiences.

So a question that gets asked is "Would you change anything?" In really contemplating that question, I would have to say NO. Why you ask? Because each of those expericenes has taught me lessons, made me more compassionate, taught me to say NO, enabled me to become who I am. At 50, I am beginning to like her more and more, stepping into myself, living in my own skin. The reality is when you grow older you tend to care less what other peoples opinion is of you. In my 20's, I wanted to please and fix those around me. In 30's frustration, because I couldn't do that, 40's going hmmmm I think I like me, 50 just beginning that journey.
That is where I am at. Learning to live in the moments and enjoy them.

How about you? Where are you at in your journey? Just remember, it is one step at a time.
It isn't the destination it is the daily walk and that each of those steps is worth it.