Friday, October 26, 2007

In the quiet of the night.....

Sitting in the quiet of the night seems to be something I have done quite a lot lately.
It gives me time to pray and to reflect and think about my life, to ponder......
Do you ever wonder why you are where you are? I think of all the experiences of my life, some have been very difficult, some easier, some have brought laughter and some tears, but each experience has made me who I am. My character has been developed by those experiences.

So a question that gets asked is "Would you change anything?" In really contemplating that question, I would have to say NO. Why you ask? Because each of those expericenes has taught me lessons, made me more compassionate, taught me to say NO, enabled me to become who I am. At 50, I am beginning to like her more and more, stepping into myself, living in my own skin. The reality is when you grow older you tend to care less what other peoples opinion is of you. In my 20's, I wanted to please and fix those around me. In 30's frustration, because I couldn't do that, 40's going hmmmm I think I like me, 50 just beginning that journey.
That is where I am at. Learning to live in the moments and enjoy them.

How about you? Where are you at in your journey? Just remember, it is one step at a time.
It isn't the destination it is the daily walk and that each of those steps is worth it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So CS,
I see you have joined the world of blogging. Looking forward to reading. I am terrible at keep ing up my blog. You encourage me to want to get it updated thogh.
A nice way to get to know others better.
P.S. I love it. I'm your first comment!