Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hey there, and how is your night going?

Back to late night, I have been a night time girl for most of my life. I was always the kid in our family that fell asleep last. My folks lived in the Seattle area and my grandparents lived in the Centralia area. So we would drive later at night, and I knew that my parents would stop at Dairy Queen, so I would stay awake. They would stop, my sister and brother would be sleeping and there I was. Yep, I got an ice cream cone....there are benefits to the middle of the night!!!!!!

Benefits are the quiet time, nobody bugging you cause it is time for yourself.

Now grocery shopping late at night is the "bomb". There is hardly anyone around, it is quieter, you can find what you want without the aisles being full of people. I like doing it then. I end up shopping better that way.

So when you want easier grocery shopping, stay up late and then

Have an amazing day.

1 comment:

smoothiejuice's hectichousehold said...

We always go grocery shopping after is fast and easy! I dont do the shopping John does, so it is nice for him to be out and about in the quiet! Late nighters are more fun anyway!