Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yes, I
like old
fans. And
ones that
Ok, hubby
fixes them
for me.

One of the other things I enjoy is the old bottles that I have from my brother. He had a house long ago that he lived at that had boxes of old bottles, he has used them a lot and given them away, and they have gotten broken over the years, but off and on he has given me some. These were 2 out of the last box he had of his bottles and he gave them to me. Now how perfect is that. It is fun playing around with my camera and taking pictures. I certainly have been enjoying it. It is a way for me to express myself and share with my friends. That just makes it all the better.

Yes, those are sprigs of lavender from my lavender plants. Ohhh now that is a whole nother story. My dd moved some plants in my flowerbeds for me. 4 of them being my lavenders which I had not realized how big they had gotten in the spots they were in. So I now have a lavender bed because believe you me, they needed more room. It is back by our bedroom window and oh what a great fragrance we will have. A wise move with the chicken coop being back there as well. LOL I knew the plants had out grown their space, I just didn't realize by how much. What a shock when you move them and they have room to spread. One was 3 feet by 3 feet literally. Now wonder it was looking a little bent!!!!!! Just like plants need to grow so do we. We need the room to expand and try new hobbies, or exercise or a different kind of book then we normally read. To just take a step away from our norm and try something new. You never know what that can bring. So spread your wings and see where it takes you.

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