Today was a a slow and shaky day. Now what does that mean? It means that last night was a much tougher night with pain and today my body reacts from it. It makes I take care of myself and get the rest that I need. It is so easy for us as women to choose to keep going. As I get older I realize how foolish that truly is. It
deteriorates our health in the long run. If we run on what energy we don't have, then we are always running in a
deficient. In my younger years, I did a lot of that. Now I am realizing that I did not do myself any favors in the long run.
I pray that I am teaching my dd and grand girls to take better care of themselves and in doing that they can take care of those they love in their lives better. I would keep busy just to keep busy at times. Was that
because I did not want to deal with my own self and where my life was headed? I truly do think so. Not every time, but I did do it. Always important to me was
journaling, or in my younger years it was using my diary. I wrote down events of the day, my feelings, just
whatever. I find when I can't figure life out that putting words on paper helps me figure it out. Or get my feelings off my chest to be able to deal with the problem at hand.
My grand girls like to write as well and have their own
diaries at age 6 and 8. When they were younger they drew pictures, now they are learning to write. DD writes as well. Funny what things the next generations carry on. Reading and writing, not to bad when I think about it.
I love to watch their ideas transpire. Both grand girls want to sew on the sewing machine and this Nana has to get in gear and figure out a couple simple projects for this summer for them. Time tends to go quickly on vacations.
Our start of summer has been rainy and chiller. I do have my tomatoes, some
zucchini, some lemon cucumber. Small garden area this year as I put it in bins for raised beds. I am learning to make my life more accessible with the
Fibro, so I have more energy for more projects and life that I so love. Playing in the dirt is one of them. Yes, I have dirt under my fingernails and if I would ever remember that great tip that one of the
farmgals gave, to scratch on a piece of soap before I go out and play in the dirt, I bet clean up would be a lot easier.....
lol I don't remember until I come back in to clean up. Maybe a post a note on the
mirror would help.....
I leave my
dh love notes there, a reminder to myself wouldn't be a bad idea either.
So with having a down day I have been thinking of how I want to change my bedroom, that would be our bedroom but he lets me call it mine. His idea of decorating is this, honey as long as I can get into bed at night, I am happy. The other part he says is, if you are happy I am. Smart man if you ask me. I have plain white muslin for a dust ruffle on the bed and to make light and airy curtains.
Believe it or not, I have never had a dust ruffle in almost 25 years of marriage. I think it might be the reason I really want to work on our room. I want it to be restful and peaceful. A change is in order, some seashells in frames from our 25 years of collecting. Making a shell curtain to go under the white muslin ones. Using drawers with rollers on them for under the bed. We had to raise the bed so that I have an
easier time getting in and out. My headboard is a medium wood and so are our two dressers. So the simple and free flowing for our bedroom is sounding wonderful.
I am being given a daybed with a trundle for the back room that we are making into a guest room. Basically that means for when the grand girls spend the night. Summer is coming and we have them over a lot. Gives mom and dad some time to themselves as well. I have a small white dresser that they will each get a drawer. Then it also gives a place for their toys we have here to be in one spot for them to go to anytime. It will be grand fun. So summer brings projects and hopes and dreams into reality. Maybe it is why I look forward to summer.
So what are you hopes and dreams for this summer. Take one small step towards them at a time. Whether that means taking out a paint brush or sewing a dust
ruffle or even
simpler, sowing a flower seed in a pot. What ever brings your life some joy and a smile. Indulge yourself, bring refreshment to yourself so that you can bring that to the ones around you that you love.
Have a most refreshing day,