Sunday, June 29, 2008

This is my
teapot that I
found at the
one garage
sale that I
went to.

My dd and I did a garage sale for my niece, her cousin. They are one year apart and are like sisters. We watched her girls while she got to go to a wedding with her boyfriend. She is definitely twitterpatted. We are so happy for her. I digress.
So dd and I loaded up my grands and all the stuff and headed out on Friday night. I watched kids as they set it up. Then my niece headed out. We made a camp in the living room and after it cooled off they were all asleep. I watched baby booboo while dd finished setting it off. Off to bed we went. Saturday dawns bright and beautiful and hot!!!!!!! The whole town, very small town had garage sales.
We didn't do so well in the bucks but we sure had fun. The grand girls sold Kool-aid and they made money. More than each of us at the garage sale. That was way too funny. They were quite happy and learned about paying for supplies and then after those supplies are paid for you make the money that is called profit. Hey, teaching them is part of learning about business. Teaching our children and grandchildren some life lessons along their journies makes a difference in their lives. I am glad I get to have the priviledge of being a part of that in small ways.

I do have to tell you after we loaded it all back up and headed for home I was one very very tired chickadee. I had a smile from the memories. Isn't that what it is about it making those memories? I think so. So fill your day with good memories, whether you are reading a good book, sitting and watching the butterfly in your flower beds or taking a good nap. Make memories for yourself along the way.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This is my front yard.
and more you say
The oak barrel the grand girls and I painted with our hands. Those are there handprints from last year.
The swing in my backyard by the chickens right now.
this is the very very front that is the window to my sewing room.

I love changing things in the yards, adding here and there and getting to sit and enjoy. It started out with nothing, oh I take that back, the front yard had a dead tree halfway in the middle of it. 4 years ago, lined out the flower beds and started to work on it. Tilled and tilled and worked it some more. Then put a little here and there. It started off a lot smaller than it is now. I just had to keep adding until it is where it is now.

The backyard has little spots that are done but has a ways to go yet. Gardening is always a creation in motion. When I get better at taking pictures it might show up a bit

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This is a great wool sweater my friend Clare sent me so that I could felt it. She sent me a few more but this one spoke to me, it needs to be a purse just for me.
Isn't it just plain awesome. I fell in love with it, I really like stars and this is perfect, just perfect.

Hoping later today to get pictures of my yard and let you see what I am working on.
I love playing in the dirt.
Here is to a great morning and day for each of you.

Monday, June 23, 2008

When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious
privilege it is to be alive-
to breathe, to think,
to enjoy, to love.
-Marcus Aurelius

Sunday, June 22, 2008

So here it is late night again my quieter time. Good thing because every person needs some quiet. When the day or night is calm and I have time to think, I realize there really are ideas, thoughts, inspirations there. Surprizes me all the time.

Noise is such a part of our lives, it is there constantly that when it is quiet, it can rather be a shock. I know that I crave that quiet time. Too much noise and I feel like I am on overload. I can't take one more thing, idea, sound in. My reaction now has to do with having Fibro. Some have this reaction, some do not dealing with Fibro. I do. So for me quiet is far more important than it use to be. It brings peaceful moments.

I have found that earplugs are a very useful item for me. I use them just to get quiet some days. Put in the earplugs and read a book. We live close to a freeway and the noise can carry over here. It is always in the background. Much louder in the summer because we have the windows open and there are more people traveling through. I also use them to sleep. Dear hubby has snored for years and I have become use to sleeping with them. Now I can't ususally sleep without them. Now how sad is that.

So before it gets toooo late I am going to go use those earplugs and get some sleep.
AAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh quiet in whatever form you use to get it!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

This picture is for you Ronna girl!!!!

Sometimes I wonder where my brain has gone!!!!!!! It took forever to get this picture on the site. Why you ask? Because this woman didn't realize her batteries were low and it wouldn't transfer over. Then 3 attempts later to get it on my computer, then fixing the problem....then picture.....shheeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yep, I do wonder about myself some days.

I love the little boots and I planted a little hen and chick in each boot. As they grow it will stick out of the top more. Perfect for on my front steps. Everytime I walk up and down them it will remind me of my friendship with Ronna. Now that is a sweet way to remember a friend.

Monday, June 16, 2008

This beautiful butterfly visited my sweet william this afternoon in my front yard.
I am learning how to use the digital more and what a great picture to be able to catch.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

So here I am playing with Caleb tonight. It was nice to see him smile.
He has been running a low grade fever and not sleeping very well. So tonight we were having a good time with some smiles. Meaning our sweet baby boy should be doing better. Always a good sign.

So I basked in rays of sunshine today off and on. I fertilized my tomatoes, feed my roses. I was pooped out. Not doing that much and getting so tired is just a part of fibro. No energy levels makes any effort more challenging. Life goes on, and you live with where you are at being grateful that you are living.

Now the adventure with fertilizing the plants was that the mosquitoes liked me even more. So it was pour a little, swat like crazy, pour a little, swat like crazy. I must have looked like a major spase with the jerking action every little bit, I did kill a few though. Unfortunately a few of them got me too. Dirty rotten buggers. Found the bug spray for me to use later after they had decided to use me for dinner. I will get them tomorrow. I have to say I cheer every time I hear the bug zapper go off because another one bites the dust. haaahaaaahaaaaaa teach you to bite me!!!

Spent the evening reading some posts on Mary Janes Farm, having a laugh or two. Then it was off to blogland for a bit. I love reading what is happening in my friends lives. So take a gander at some of the places I love to go. Enjoy!!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

So here I am with Mr. Buster Kitty. One of the two new kitties that came to live at our house. He seems to think getting a kiss on the check is something he likes to do. Thankfully he doesn't do it very often. He likes sitting on my shoulders and watching me sew, write my emails and just plain talk anytime I will let him. He is a rowdy character and runs up and down our house quite often. He loves when we bring out the laser light and move it all around for him to chase. He enjoys a good romping with his sister and his two dogie buddies that live here also.

So some of you have been asking my about pictures. Here is my first attempt and no I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. I know you can get them in some kind of order but this was my first going for it.

On the right is a picture of Caleb at 3 weeks old with my mother and father. We were at my brothers after the Barbershop Show that my dad preforms in every year. He is where I learned to sing and go for it. He said, Just belt it out there and you learn from it. He was encouraging me about learning alto and harmonies. I love singing and always will because of him.

This is Miss Chloe, Busters sister. She is sleeping in Caleb's chair. She and her brother Buster tend to try to both sleep in it at one time. One of them ends up on the floor. This time Miss Chloe wins.

This is Caleb a couple of weeks ago with Miss Chloe. I was holding Caleb and Miss Chloe decided it looked like a great spot to be and joined in. Caleb got to giggling after a bit of staring at the kitty. Fun was had by all.

As you can see, my house can be a little nutty at times, but we tend to enjoy every minute with the animals and the grand girls and boy and each other.
Having family whether by blood or adopted into, it is what keeps us going on the good and bad days. Because we will have bad days, hopefully not a lot of them all in a row. Bad meaning, news that wasn't what you were expecting, a friend who is ill and the prospect isn't good, a loss in income, each of those events causes us to reevaluate where we are at. It does for me, it makes me remember what truly is important. Laughter each day, a hug given and received, a quiet moment cherished, a good meal and tasting really tasting every bite of it, a book that uplifts and encourages, emails from my friends. All of those activities are important to me. It changes how the outcome of my day is. I hope I give that to others each day as well.
So here is to the important things in our lives.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Normally listening to the weather is no big deal, but listening to it tonight made me cringe just a bit. We do get sunshine tomorrow but the next 3 days after cooler again. Ahhhhh rats!!!!!
So maybe I should have just waited to let the days come as they may. Ahhhh well at least later in the coming week we are suppose to get some sunshine. The flowers and the gardens will enjoy the rains and soon enough the sun will warm them up to grow big and strong. To have those wonderful juicy tomatoes, cucumbers, and zuchinni. Makes one's mouth water just thinking about it.

My body seems to think staying up late is the past time at present. I am trying to convince it, no it is not!!!!! Tonight just to do something pleasurable for myself, I sorted out buttons that I got from a friend. Then I had some from another friend as well. So now I have some jars with golden yellow to yellow, some oranges, some reds and greens, pretty pinks and browns and white and black of coarse. There are some purple but needed another little jar and wasn't going out to the shed tonight to find them. It was fun playing with the colors and looking at the older ones. They have come to live at my home. What joy it is to look at color in a jar sitting in my sewing room window sill. Joys come in small ways, make me smile and remember the simpler choices we make in our lives.

So in my sewing room window are buttons in jars and little mini aprons hanging up. There are 3 string lines with each little mini apron hung up with little clothes pins. Yep, nothing could be better. Buttons and aprons, indeed.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Today was a a slow and shaky day. Now what does that mean? It means that last night was a much tougher night with pain and today my body reacts from it. It makes I take care of myself and get the rest that I need. It is so easy for us as women to choose to keep going. As I get older I realize how foolish that truly is. It deteriorates our health in the long run. If we run on what energy we don't have, then we are always running in a deficient. In my younger years, I did a lot of that. Now I am realizing that I did not do myself any favors in the long run.

I pray that I am teaching my dd and grand girls to take better care of themselves and in doing that they can take care of those they love in their lives better. I would keep busy just to keep busy at times. Was that because I did not want to deal with my own self and where my life was headed? I truly do think so. Not every time, but I did do it. Always important to me was journaling, or in my younger years it was using my diary. I wrote down events of the day, my feelings, just whatever. I find when I can't figure life out that putting words on paper helps me figure it out. Or get my feelings off my chest to be able to deal with the problem at hand.

My grand girls like to write as well and have their own diaries at age 6 and 8. When they were younger they drew pictures, now they are learning to write. DD writes as well. Funny what things the next generations carry on. Reading and writing, not to bad when I think about it.
I love to watch their ideas transpire. Both grand girls want to sew on the sewing machine and this Nana has to get in gear and figure out a couple simple projects for this summer for them. Time tends to go quickly on vacations.

Our start of summer has been rainy and chiller. I do have my tomatoes, some zucchini, some lemon cucumber. Small garden area this year as I put it in bins for raised beds. I am learning to make my life more accessible with the Fibro, so I have more energy for more projects and life that I so love. Playing in the dirt is one of them. Yes, I have dirt under my fingernails and if I would ever remember that great tip that one of the farmgals gave, to scratch on a piece of soap before I go out and play in the dirt, I bet clean up would be a lot I don't remember until I come back in to clean up. Maybe a post a note on the mirror would help.....
I leave my dh love notes there, a reminder to myself wouldn't be a bad idea either.

So with having a down day I have been thinking of how I want to change my bedroom, that would be our bedroom but he lets me call it mine. His idea of decorating is this, honey as long as I can get into bed at night, I am happy. The other part he says is, if you are happy I am. Smart man if you ask me. I have plain white muslin for a dust ruffle on the bed and to make light and airy curtains. Believe it or not, I have never had a dust ruffle in almost 25 years of marriage. I think it might be the reason I really want to work on our room. I want it to be restful and peaceful. A change is in order, some seashells in frames from our 25 years of collecting. Making a shell curtain to go under the white muslin ones. Using drawers with rollers on them for under the bed. We had to raise the bed so that I have an easier time getting in and out. My headboard is a medium wood and so are our two dressers. So the simple and free flowing for our bedroom is sounding wonderful.

I am being given a daybed with a trundle for the back room that we are making into a guest room. Basically that means for when the grand girls spend the night. Summer is coming and we have them over a lot. Gives mom and dad some time to themselves as well. I have a small white dresser that they will each get a drawer. Then it also gives a place for their toys we have here to be in one spot for them to go to anytime. It will be grand fun. So summer brings projects and hopes and dreams into reality. Maybe it is why I look forward to summer.

So what are you hopes and dreams for this summer. Take one small step towards them at a time. Whether that means taking out a paint brush or sewing a dust ruffle or even simpler, sowing a flower seed in a pot. What ever brings your life some joy and a smile. Indulge yourself, bring refreshment to yourself so that you can bring that to the ones around you that you love.
Have a most refreshing day,

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

So here we are again, yep later night. Not on purpose, just time went flying by a bit faster.
I think time flying is perspective as a friend wrote the other day. When we are kids we are constantly learning new things. The rate at which we learn them changes as we become older. We already have lost of information that we have learned so that rate slows down. Does that make any sense at all. Yes, there are some statistics to that but don't ask this girl to remember them. Not one of those things that I wanted to learn. LOL

So what have I been up to, or lets see.......Sunday I got ready to snuggle into the sofa, make phone calls connecting with friends, and emailing friends, having a slow and relaxed day. So I go to make a phone call and no dial tone. Look at the display and it says no line. Drat buckets.
So dear hubby checks out our lines from the phone box and nothing registers as wrong. Eventually later in the day we end up calling the phone company. They will be out no later than 5pm on Monday. So the lineman comes on Monday, he checks out their equipment and it isn't there problem it is ours. He has the purgative of charging us the 160.00. OOOOHHHHHH NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!! In front of the phone box I had planted thyme. I love thyme and have 2 bushes in the back yard and 2 in the front. He had to kneel in the thyme which crushed it and made the smell more intense. He loved the smell and because of the thyme I didn't end up with a bill. Who says herbs don't I thank him very much. It was my phone cord that went to my computer. It knocked out my whole system. Needless to say it has taken me a bit to catch up on emails. So instead of doing communicating on Sunday, I read books. Yes, one of my favorite past times as well. That and a nap of coarse.

It has been rainy and cooler here so I transplanted a couple of my plants in my front yard to the very front of my home. Need to do some working on the little flower bed up front to make it pop. I love change and when your flower bed finally clicks the way you want it to. Moved 2 small mums to the front small bed, a honeysuckle start to the front yard and got rained on good. I love the smell of fresh rain, the damp earth. A delightful smell. I also picked up 2 chickies from the feed store that we had ordered. Took my grand girls with me so they could be a part of it. I think we have named these Sissy and Sassy. Have a few more chickies that we got a few weeks back that we are thinking about names for. New adventures are always fun.

My new adventure for the night, get to bed at a decent hour and at the rate I am going....hmmmmmmmm
nighty night