Saturday, February 28, 2009

So this month has gone flying by, with helping the niece some more, resting and resting and resting. Having to be honest with myself, and step off a couple of swaps because there is not the energy for me to do them right now. Having to go through the challenges that I tend to with going through a major flare up of the fibromyalgia. Giving myself permission to have a meltdown or two. Because I have a few, I always feel sad and bluesy. Part of the no energy, pain levels up to a high degree, break through pain meds not doing a lot for it. So back to resting, streching, resting, do a little here and there. Giving myself permission to have naps and down time. When doing a bit better with those basics, getting out a little bit of embrodiery. Doing any activity in small amounts so that I am not overdoing it. So thus is my life at present, it isn't always exactly like this, but a lot of times it is.

So I have found a method that I want to try out that is suppose to help out with Fibromyalgia and many other ailments, as well as stress, muscle tension. It is the Miracle Ball Method, I have spent the last day reading the little book off and on. It is rather simple, breathing techniques and learning to relax your muscles using two balls. So will be experimenting with this one. If it dissipates some of the pain in any way, it will be worth its weight in gold. They had them at Costco for all of 11 buckaroos, which is worth trying. My dd say it and picked up a set, started reading and said, Mom, you have to at least try this. I was just hoping they still had some when I got the money this weekend. They did, I was thankful. I have to finish reading it all, but when I am done I will be doing this. Hey if it helps improve my health in anyway I have won. Lengthening ones muscles, help them relax. Something your muscles do not do with fibro, and a lot of other challenges we have in life.

So girls who are waiting for my quilt pictures, I am still on the hunt for my cord that hooks into my computer so I can download, and then take the quilt pictures. Some day over the rainbow, skies are blue.......grin.

So it is a Saturday night and my hubby and I are going to pass the time watching a movie, eating pretzels and having a good laugh. Good laughs always make life better!!!!!
So go and enjoy a laugh for yourself, it makes you smile which is exercising all in itself...teehheehheeehhee

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

That is the bloom from my amaryllis. It now has another stalk coming up for another bloom. This one is all done and I sure did enjoy it.

Today I spent most of my day cleaning up in my sewing room, but not exactly how I had planned. I was cleaning up shards of glass from my fluorescent bulb that broke. Oh my what a mess that makes and the teeny tiniest shards.

Thanks to encouragement from farm girl friends and some very helpful suggestions I think I have it all cleaned up. I am sure as I get to do the actually cleaning and rearranging that I wanted to, that I might find a wee bit more. Thankfully no little paws from my furry friends here were cut either.

Saturday night, mama kitty had kittens. One was the runt and just didn't make it. That made me sad, but she has 4 healthy ones. They are all white at the moment and mama is right there for them. She is being one great mama for being so young. My two small doggies so badly want to go mother those little kitties. Soon enough they will get to cuddle them as well. Not for a while though.

I have been thinking of ways to simplfy my life more. To simply for me, I need to do some more organizing in my sewing room. It not only is my sewing room, it is where my laptop and my paperwork is as well. I now have a fainting couch in here that I found at an estate sale, hmmmm 20 or so years ago. My mom had it for quite a bit, now it is back at my place and in my room. I plan on putting the books and journals and ideas that I have in little boxes and niches to have it all at my fingertips to do. If it is out, then I will do it. If tucked away it is harder for me to access it. So that is part of the rearranging of the sewing room. I need a quiet spot to process life sometimes. To be able to get my feeling good or bad out on paper. It helps me digest it, sort it, find out what is going on so that I can go forward. It is a tool that helps me.

So what helps you sort through your feelings, the ups and downs of life? How do you take care of yourself? As a woman, so many times, I tend to take care of all those around me and wonder why I am feeling out of sorts....ooopppsss I forgot to take care of me. I need to fill up the depleted places in my heart, have them heal, give them some tender loving care. Learn to just breath and rejoice in the fact that I can. Remembering that I woke up this morning in my right mind. Sure tends to give me perspective.

So here is to you taking the time to take care of yourself, in whatever area that you need. cs