Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So Nance, bet you thought I forgot you....not the best picture but you should be able to get an idea....

Yes, that would be the fabric!!!!

So I have been enjoying the wonderful 2 days of sunshine we had on the weekend, transplanted some plants that had to be moved before the hot weather comes. I also planted down my petunias that my honey got me. I love petunias, add lobelia, some heliotrope, a few verbena and wahhhlllaaaa you have 2 or 3 pretty pots for all of summer and fall. So I finish that and think, okay if I am going to transplant is has to be now because the warm weather it is a coming.....yep, overdid myself majorly. So came in took a shower, a painkiller and went and laid down. Now I have to tell you Fibro does not in any way appreciate you if you overdo at all. BABY OH BABY I over did it. But I got er done. Oh, Lord have mercy.....So I woke up Sunday morning Mother's Day going, ok, I am not dead, this is good sign!!!! LOL. Then I tired moving a little, ok, not great but not as horrible as I thought it would be, well Monday morning hadn't happened yet......I sat outside at the table with the umbrella, had the grand kids down and playing. It was fun. The grand girls made their mama and me a Mother's Day picnic, we had baloney sandwiches, yogurt, carrots and apples. Their was a blanket underneath the maple tree with magazines and fresh flowers. It was very very sweet. I tinkered a little in the yard but not much. Good thing, because Monday morning came and I though, oh crap, I am in trouble. I had to call for my honey to help me get out of bed....yep that first day wasn't bad, the second was agony!!!!! What was I thinking.....I wasn't!!!!!!

So Monday was a very slow day around here, it wasn't to bad outside but I went with my niece to run an errand to keep me out of my yard. Yes, I have to trick myself!!!!!! Now isn't that sad and sick....lmbo.

Tuesday was another slow day, today it hits me, I leave in two weeks to go help family for two weeks and I have major stuff to get done. Originally I was going to go in the later part of June, it had to be pushed up. Oh no, now I am in bigger trouble because I did all that stuff this weekend....ohhhh noooooo!!!!!!! So now I am tweaking out a little, yep, that hind sight is a very good accompaniment to panic....oh well such is life.

Hope you all are having some interesting adventures all of your own.

And oh yes, Some day their will be pictures of a treadle and quilt tops on here....some day over the


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Last week was one of those weeks you really don't want to repeat. At least, I sure don't want to.

Little Bit was extremely sick and was going to have to be put down. I sobbed and sobbed. The vet Jenny called back and said if you will release him I will do everything I can to keep him going, if he doesn't respond at all, then I will let you know. It was extremely hard to let him go. This was my buddy who rode around on my shoulders who I had been hand feeding for 6 weeks. To say I miss the little guy doesn't even cover it. Yes, we love our animals here and they are part of our family.

At the same time, I have a nephew that has been through treatment and is trying with all that is in him to stay clean. He called in the middle of the night, crying. He wanted to use so badly and he called. I am so very proud of him for that. We talked a good part of the night. He is a kid that has had life be awfully hard. So if you pray, just lift one up on his behalf.

I did get to go get a few petunias that I plan to plant today. It is sunny again. least for today. Good day to do some planting. I have an old yellow wheelbarrow that I am planting some of the petunias in, then there are a couple of planters that I will use up front by my front door. Petunias are one of my favorite annuals. They bring the butterflies, the bees, and best of all the hummingbirds. They bloom from now till October. So you get plenty of bang for your buck!!!!!

The other project is marking off where the veggie garden will be in the front yard. We are adding ten feet onto the mobile to give us a wee bit more room in the living room and kitchen. I am so looking forward to that!!!!!! Room to move, now how great can that be. It means the piano can move to the living room instead of being in my tiny sewing room. Yippee, more room for counter space and storage. A must for every sewing room.

Yes, now that I finally found the camer cord, I will take picutres of my quilt tops and my treadle. So stay tuned, eventually you will see

Enjoy your day girls, taking one moment at a time. Take them in, breathe deep, make memories with the very simple things. Like an iris in bloom, daffodils blowing in the breeze, a smile from a stranger, a hug from your chicldren or grand children, smelling a loaf of bread cooking in the oven, or cookies, even better.
