Sunday, August 16, 2009

So, what can I say, lots and lots and lots and lots.....l0l. Now, I can say it faster, or it can be delivered faster. We succumbed to getting a faster hookup. The telephone company doesn't know when they will have dsl available here. It is crazy cause we are only 10 minutes from top in a populated area. They have been saying it will be here for the last 2 years, I think I have been patient enough. Enough is enough for this girl anyway. So now that I have the faster hookup can I find my camera cord. Of coarse not, that would make life way to

So at present I have 5 kitties that help occupy my sewing room that desperately needs a major overhaul. Yes, to be honest, my whole house needs the over haul, but I digress......I have little paws pattering all over and they have learned how to climb up on a few items in here. Thus the kitties have been having a grand ole time. They have not found the yarn collection because it is put up. Could you just see that one, yarn a flying, kittens with it caught all over them, me chasing them, tangled in the yarn and kitties and laughing my fool head off at all the antics that were happening....yep this would be my They are almost 6 weeks so they are getting closer to finding homes, we are keeping the completely black one because the grand girls have fallen in love with here. She will be living here with us.

The chickens are laying nicely and like the more room that they have. I share my eggs with friends, who share other things with me. Like peas, zuchinni and other available products.
Good trade for me. I will be making some zuchinni bread later and we really enjoy it. Yummo, for sure.

So the fibro journey continues, as does life. The doctor has upped some of the medications and that is helping me have a bit better quality of life. Mind you, yes, there is still pain involved but that is part of dealing with this. We have had cooler and rain for 4 days and that makes a difference for me as well. I have in my mind this list of what I think I can do for a day, then I have to check on the reality of what I can do, so the list definitly gets shorter. Now sometimes I do what is on the list whether I can or not, and then kick myself because I know better. But you get irratated and just go for it. Isn't that part of the journey as well....yes, it is. Recognizing that I am very human, that when I am stressed, it tighens up muscles, that then pay me back. It is also part of the journey. I won't stop, I will keep going regardless. I will have my up days and my down days. Also, part of the journey. Watching a funny movie, laughing at myself, always makes life easier. So the journey continues.

Some day I will get back to sewing quilts again, but for now, just enjoying the cooler days cause the hot ones are on the horizon again. Playing in water is definitely in my future....grin.