Thursday, January 28, 2010

Life.....I seem to be having a lot of it right  I am madly trying to sew a few small 9 patches. I literally shoved the stuff on top of my sewing table into bags!!!!!  I need more clear bins to do more sorting and that won't happen until the needed to sew 6 small 9 patches for quilt group tonight.  I haven't sewed anything in forever.  I wonder if I will remember

This just reiterates how much I want to keep organizing.  I hated putting it in sacks when I have been going through it all and sorting....but for today it was a must.....then it will be back to the sorting again.....
because throwing things in bags so majorly sucks!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So still working on that organizing, it is amazing how many areas you find when you start that you want to do and complete.  For me, in my small space, you have to move A to C, D to F, maybe even and XYZ to just get A done.  Are you confused yet?  I think I might  Not really.  There is just a lot to sort through and all I really want to do is sew.  But I made this agreement with myself, that I would get so much done before I could.  Not there yet.....................

We had snow, real live snow, for a whole hour yesterday with the most fluffy, huge and amazing flakes.  It was a joy to just watch it for the hour.  This morning it is cloudy and grey but those days will soon turn to spring.  Yep, there is that spring longing again.  I have no idea why I can't wait for spring this year, but yep, I can't wait.

So I guess I best go back to sorting with my clear bins and putting away....grin.

Friday, January 22, 2010

When one has not bad migraines in a while and they decide to show up again, it is the major pits. Yep, in the major pits right now!!!!! It has been a couple days and nothing is working. All my normal remedies that give me relief, are not working. So what is the deal with this one!!!

Life sometimes throws you a few boomerangs....this just happens to be one of them.......

Monday, January 18, 2010

I had fun taking this picture awhile back. I like checking out odds and ends. Now if I would have been smarter I would have picked up some of those insulators, but 20/20 hindsight seems to be what I am better at!!!!!

Today was an absolutely glorious day outside. It was 51 degrees out with sunshine too boot. I was out in my t-shirt catching some rays. Such a tease for spring is all I can say, and spring is definitely on my mind. I want to go play in the dirt, move plants around, dig the garden. A little early to be thinking those thoughts but with a day like today it just couldn't be helped. Grandkiddos were out riding their bikes and mr. man was pulling his small wagon hooting and hollering. Then as the sun started going down I realized I had turned my heat down, back in for reality, turn that heat back up!

This year I have a goal I want to obtain. Everything has a place, and everything is in its place. Clear bins have become my obsession to get this job done. My first job was to sort through all the Christmas decorations and put it away. Now this sounded so simple when I started, the further I went the more I realized how much I did need organized. I will really appreciate this when Christmas rolls around again. I can pick and choose much easier what I want to do. The next major undertaking is organizing the kitchen, it is somewhat organized but needs some more help. Truly needs the remodel but we shall see what this spring and summer bring. After that is done it will be on too the sewing room which has been buried for way too long.

Having fibro has made me look at life differently. I want to be organized so that I can use my energy on projects that I love to do, one of them being quilting and stitching. I only have so much energy and I don't want to be spending it spinning my wheels so to speak. Remembering for me that each little step counts towards the goal I have. I have projects that dance through my head that I want to attempt, so an organizing I will go...........tata...........clear bins here I come!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sitting here tonight dealing with a gamete of emotions. Mad, sad, and irked. Nothing I can do to change the situation that caused it, but I still need to deal with the emotions that have come out of the situation. I am not an island unto myself, what I do and say, decisions I make effect my family and friends around me. It can be to the positive or the negative. So weighing the words I speak into the situation as well.

I have part of my Christmas packed up this evening. I have some more to go but this year, I am sorting and going through it all to be more organized for next year. Wrapping, sorting the decorations by color. I do garlands that I hang above the fireplace, in my sewing room. I use all kinds of blue ornaments, bulbs, in all different shades. I use blue lights as well. It turns out beautiful, that one I leave up a bit longer in January because it has a lot of snowflakes and stars in it. I will have to see if I can get a good picture at all to show you. One of the reason for sorting by colors because you never know what I will feel like next year. I do the after Christmas shopping, way after Christmas when you get even bigger deals. I found a white artificial Christmas tree for 10.00. I have wanted one for a couple of years and whooziers did I get a good deal. Can't wait for next year to get to put it up. Any color can go with white!!!! Also I am gathering up Christmas dishes that I use this time of year. Last year I just put them where ever and broke a couple of items. So this year, I am taking a different approach!!

We finally got some snow to play in on New Years Eve, the grand girls and grand nieces had a riot playing in it, I had a riot watching them. They threw snowballs at the window I was at along with grandson. He giggled like crazy at their antics. It was funny to watch. Then they came in for some warm food and hot chocolate. We headed home early so as to not be out there with all the crazies....and yes, didn't make it till midnight either. Does this mean I am getting older? Yes, and this girl needs her beauty sleep.

Nope, no New Years resolutions, just living each day one day at a time.
So off to get some of that so called beauty sleep.....grin.