Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh the weather out side is
We had our first snow on Friday a whopping almost 2 inches. It was pretty but gosh the cold is chillin these bones. Could it be that that nasty flu shot got me good? I am thinking the answer is yes. Other friends have not reacted at all to the shot, I have never reacted, but this year, well, it seems it may be my year!!!!! LOL. It won't last forever which I am very grateful for. And truly who can tell with some of the symptoms being the very same as fibro. When I got the shot I had to laugh when she said you may get some very achy muscles. That would be nothing new for this girl. So how would I truly know, I won't.....ahhh the live of never truly knowing. See I am mysterious after all. Yes, today I am making fun of myself, I am the best person to do that! Grin.

Now have I accomplished much, maybe not by others standards but by mine, lots. Laughter helps those stomach muscles and brings laugh lines to my face. It makes me remember not to take myself so seriously. Now I wish I could say I laugh at my jokes, the problem being, I can never remember them. Even the great ones I get told. I can remember part of them, but if you paid me a million bucks the punch line is usually what I forget....and why do they call it a punch line....another of those silly questions my brain hones in on.

What makes me think that if I don't get some task on my list done that I haven't accomplished anything. What happened to me sitting and enjoying the day, watching the wind blow through the yard, just plain vegging. We all need those restful, vegging days to rejuvenate. So rejuvenating is the day for me.

Here is to you and yours getting some rejuvenating in too!!!!

1 comment:

TrailerTrashQueen said...

LOL! That last line just sounded dirty !!!! LOL
