Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So Karin, I finally downloaded a few pictures just so you could see them. The first picture is of the whole crew together. The second picture is of Gimpy, who we keep. He had a lame leg, thus the name Gimpy and he seemed to fit in perfectly with the gimpy household that we have. We don't let handicaps try and get us down. We work at keeping going on good days and bad. Not overdoing mind you because extra pain is not needed.

It has been forever since I have been on here to write. The writing is for me, who cares if anyone reads it or not. Not this girl. Numbers were never my concern. Expressing myself has been.

I haven't been doing that near enough. Just seems like life has come a running along and I have had a tough time keeping up with it. Since the first part of September we have been battling sickness, the darn cold virus that put dear grand girl in the hospital, two weeks later put hubby in hospital and then a few challenges here and there in between. Goodness it makes time fly but certainly not the way I wanted it too.

The weather is chilly here now, making the muscles protest greatly. Working on keeping in good spirits regardless of the fight with the Fibro. Oh, don't misunderstand, it doesn't mean I haven't dealt with lots of bad days in a row, cried because of it, but it isn't what I choose to stay focused on. Ok, truth, when the pain is so bad it is hard to not want to scream dixie all day long, but dang my lungs would be sore if I did.....LOL. Besides, I like to talk to much, losing my voice would be hoard!!!!!!!

So much for being on here much longer, my knees are cold and curling up under a couple of blankets is sounding divine.

Here is to snuggling and keeping warm,


Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hey Carol Sue,

Your kitties are cuties..they are usually good for keeping your feet warm...Miss Morgan would screech if I brought a cat into the house! She's such a rotten little girl. :0)

Come by for a visit sometime...don't you have high speed internet now???? get your butt over and leave me a comment..hehe

electricdunce said...

OOOh, they are some old cute, Carol Sue. Nothing like a bunch of kittens to make life entertaining. They are just such a hoot to watch as they just leap into everything...
I have been feeling kind of awful lately, my usual complaints, but today it was the sciatica added to the usual that sent me to bed with a book this afternoon. Haven't accomplished much today but I feel better this evening.
I too am trying to get ready for winter, but it hasn't been quite wretched enough for me to really set a fire under myself and spring in to action. Actually I'm pretty cold tonight, that might be a good idea, a fire. Since I have my fireplace closed up, maybe not such a good idea.

Don't work too hard, Karin