Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday afternoon January 8, 2012

Taking a break from trying to find at least one room in my house today.  Why is it that when you have errands, doctor appointments that ones house goes to hell in a hand basket?  I cannot do it all at once.  I wish I could wiggle my nose and it would all be in order like I want it......nope, no cleaning fairies have showed up either.  Now wouldn't that be the bomb if they were true....they would show up in the middle of the night and put the house to order and you woke up to a clean house!!!!!  I know, dreaming, but a girl can always wish.

Thankfully it is not the grey foggy cloudy day, there was sunshine.  That helps, no matter the messes, sunshine can always make me smile.  It means winter does not last forever, that spring will come.  It means that this may be a mess now, but eventually I will get it done.  It brings hope.

Hope is the little voice you hear whisper "maybe" when it seems the entire world is shouting "no".  I do not know who the quote came from, but it is written in my room here to remind me that there is always hope.

So I shall go back to working on a small section in my living room, every little bit counts!!!!!

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