Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Challeging Christmas Season

This year has had many ups and downs in it.

 One of the most challenging, heart sore ones has been the passing of my daughter's finance to liver cancer.  He was 37 years old and passed on this last Thursday.  His cancer  was discovered in July due to a fall he had taken.  To watch his demise every day was so difficult.  He fought to the very end.  They had a son in June, a very contented little boy who has brought much joy.  He wanted to make it to Christmas to be there for his son's first Christmas.  We are sadden by our lose but know that he is no longer in pain, not confused, and home.

We greatly appreciate the prayers and condolenses that have been given to us, and are taking one day at a time.

In the meantime, in November my mother was diagnosed at Stage 4 with her bone cancer.
I have to tell you, I ran the white flag up the pole and went, enough please.  I know His word says He won't give us more than we can bear, are you sure Lord?  My mom is AMAZING and up beat about it.  She told me to remember that it is slow growing.  Her strength encourages me.

So I truly am learning the lesson again of going one day at a time. 

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