Friday, November 23, 2007

H0pe y0u all had Great Thanksgivings

Hi H0pe y0u all had great Thanksgivings with family and friends!!!!!
We sure did here. Went t0 my nieces h0use where my br0ther and family were. They came 0ver t0 0ur side 0f the m0untains this year. My br0ther did the c00king, yep, he is an excellent c00k and we are defnitely sp0iled.

And t0 answer a questi0n 0r tw0, yep, we like t0 play b0ard games but tend t0 d0 it m0re ar0und the h0lidays when we have l0ts 0f f0lks ar0und. WE have 0ne called the Farming Game that my sister f0und a l0ng time ag0. 0ne Christmas we were all at my f0lks h0use and she br0ught it. We played that silly game until 2am 0r later. Actually us girls headed f0r bed and the guys were still playing. It is a great mem0ry.
By the way, JHall, s0meh0w I l0st y0ur c0mment I think, I am still learning h0w t0 d0 this stuff. Will have t0 g0 back and see what i did 0r if it is fl0ateing in 0uter space again!!!!!
S0 t0day h0ping t0 get 0ut th0se Christmas Dec0rati0ns, at least s0me 0f them. They are 0ut in 0ur st0rage alias quilt st0rage little barn. Here is the challenge, it is all 0f 28 degrees, yep need that l0ng underwear f0r sure. S0 I think I shall drink s0me h0t ch0c0late bef0re and after!!!!! Have t0 get the c0urage up t0 g0 f0r it. L0L

I think that 0ne 0f the greatest things we can d0 during the h0liday seas0n is t0 enj0y the m0ments in it. It g0es fast and I want t0 make sure that I am present in the m0ments n0t fussing 0ver what I need t0 d0 next, what needs t0 be d0ne, but t0 actually live in the m0ments and enj0y them. As I get 0lder, m0re and m0re I realize h0w truly imp0rtant that is. It is f0r my family and friends that I talk t0, t0 be there listening and sharing with them.
That and I need t0 be listened t0 and heard as well. Maybe that is the greatest gift we can give, the sharing 0f 0urselves. Just a th0ught t0 p0nder 0n.

0k, g0tta g0 find the l0ng j0hns while it is still 28 and n0t c0lder!!!!!!

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