Saturday, November 3, 2007

I f0und the l0st p0st!!!!

D0n't ask me h0w I have n0 idea, went t0 sign in and there it was? N0w h0w in the w0rld did that w0rk? N0, I am n0t a techie.....can y0u tell. Interesting and new adventures 0f bl0gging.

Yep, went t0 get the 0 key fixed and w0uld have t0 replace the wh0le keyb0ard, 0kay that ain't happenin right n0w. S0 the zer0's will be. Hey it w0rks, just a little strange typing.
If ya hit the real 0 key it really smarts cause y0u are typing alng like crazy and smack, n0thing m0ves......0uchiers.....

S0 t0day went 0ut f0r my birthday lunch with my dh, did I ch00se s0mething fancy, n0pe, t0ld him I wanted fish n chips fr0m 0ur burger j0int here in t0wn. Yep, greasy and yummie....n0t f0r g00d health but hey it is my birthday lunch. When I was a kid, the treat f0r birthdays was t0 get t0 drive t0 Seattle and g0 t0 Iv0rs 0n the pier, waterfr0nt d0wnt0wn Seattle. Y0u w0uld literally yell y0ur 0rder, they w0uld yell it back, never was any 0f them written d0wn, they just remembered them. That impressed me as a kid. Th0se were the very very best fish n chips, smelling the salty air fr0m the S0und, feeding the seagulls. L0ts 0f fun, s0 the cl0set I c0uld get t0 that was Dick's, s0 that is what we did.

S0metimes it is the simple things in life that bring such pleasure. What simple things d0 y0u enj0y, what brings a smile t0 y0ur lips? Enj0y th0se simple things and have a w0nderful day.

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