Sunday, November 11, 2007

N0pe, I didn't fall 0ff the face 0f the earth.......

Just g0ne a few days and catching up like crazy. It is amazing h0w fast things g0 when y0u are
away. Yep, late night cause I was buzy catching up 0n emails and a c0uple sites I l0ve t0 g0 t0.
I l0ve g0ing places that are enc0uraging and uplifting. I think that is s0 imp0rtant in 0ur lives.
T00 0ften we have t0 deal with negative, and challenges, it is an incredible find t0 have uplifting places. When y0u d0 it is such a blessing. Y0u appreciate it all the m0re.

S0 what kinds 0f things d0 y0u d0 t0 enc0urage y0urself? Me, I enj0y a chat with a g00d friend. Where y0u d0n't have t0 w0rry ab0ut what y0u say, that is a true friend, that listens and d0esn't judge. That is preci0us t0 me.

S0 I have spent that last few days with my niece wh0 had s0me nasty 0ral surgery d0ne. We spent the time talking, and crafting. It was such a sweet time. A l0ng time ag0, my m0m, taught my dd and my niece h0w t0 make little b0xes 0ut 0f cards. L0ng ag0 I remembered h0w t0 d0 them. Thanks t0 my niece and my dd, I kn0w h0w t0 d0 them again!!!!
I am making a garland 0ut 0f them with Christmas scrapeb00king paper. I g0ts t0 tell ya, that are way c00l. S0 I get back h0me later last night, and my buns were maj0r dragging.
G0t s0me rest and had dgd 0vernight. She was a little chatty cathie and funny t0 b00t. M0m c0uld get s0me sleep that way. Bless her. Dgd's fav0rite phrase seems t0 be " I d0 N0T kn0w" It has been cracking me up. When her dgp asked her if she knew what a veteran was, her reply " I d0 n0t kn0w that" 0f c0arse he explained it t0 her because she was quite seri0us. But it t00k all his will p0wer n0t t0 laugh.

The great thing ab0ut friends and family is that they bring y0u laughter as well, we need that in 0ur lifes. Laughter truly is the best medicine. I l0ve a g00d j0ke, a great c0medic m0vie, the funny m0ments that life brings.

S0 my th0ught f0r this late night is g0 have a g00d laugh. 0ur lives can be enriched by a g00d laugh.

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