Sunday, November 4, 2007

Later Sunday night

S0 h0w did y0ur weekends g0? Did y0u make it thr0ugh the time change and enj0y the extra h0ur 0f sleep? I sure did. G0t up and dh made me s0me great decaf with Amarett0 in it. I sat and drank it sl0wly and 0h my was that great. Dh was making buttermilk white bread f0r me. Yep, he is the bread maker in 0ur h0useh0ld, n0t me. He d0es all kinds and really really likes d0ing artisans. He did R0semary garlic earlier this week, mmmmmm it was delightful.
G00d thing we give it away 0r I w0uld get s0 big fr0m eating all that bread. hahahahah

My mem0ires fr0m being a kid, have t0 d0 with reading the funnies 0n Sunday aftern00n and watching great 0ld m0vies with my dad, br0ther and sister. We watched The Gh0st and Mr Chicken, Jerry Lewis c0medies, Shirley Temple, Three St00gies, and s0 much m0re. After church we w0uld c0me h0me and have a great dinner that M0m had made, M0m w0uld g0 get a nap and we w0uld head f0r the living r00m, fl0p 0n the fl00r with pill0ws and afghans and watch the m0vie with Dad. Dad w0uld s0metimes fall asleep during it. Th0se were great aftern00ns ususally in the fall and winter.

Dad like t0 drive t0 and w0uld take Sunday aftern00n drives and take us all 0ver the place. We lived in Western WAshingt0n and were cl0se t0 l0ts 0f places, w0uld g0 up t0 Puget S0und and watch the seals, if the tide was l0wer pick s0me 0ysters, n0pe didn't eat them but M0m and Dad did. N0w g0 figure, I l0ve 0yster stew br0th, but n0t the 0ysters.

Sundays were always a restful day and still try t0 d0 that. After all, we really d0 need a day 0f rest. Rest d0ing s0mething enj0yable, taking a nap, reading a b00k, watching a funny m0vie, having a great c0nversati0n. Take the time 0nce a week t0 h0nestly take a rest, t0 refresh y0u mind, b0dy, and spirit. I shall d0 the same.


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