Monday, November 26, 2007

Let it Sn0w, Let it Sn0w, Let it Sn0w

Yep, y0u guessed it, it is finally sn0wing here and it is s0 beautiful. Crystal l00king and shining 0ff fr0m the lights 0n 0utside. I like the hush and the quiet that c0mes with that first sn0wfall, standing 0ut in it and sticking my t0ngue 0ut t0 catch 0ne. I like t0 make sn0wmen, walk and hear the crunch underneath my feet. Simple things that make y0u smile.
N0w mind y0u I will be cuddling and having fun d0ing things inside. L00king 0ut the wind0w and enj0ying the beauty 0f it, while drinking a h0t ch0c0late 0f c0arse.
It makes y0u sl0w d0wn, enj0y the m0ment, and c0ntemplate. T0 remember 0ther times that y0u have played in the sn0w and had fun. 0ne 0f the things are y0uth gr0up did was every Presidents Day we w0uld g0 t0 Mt Rainer and g0 sledding. We w0uld whip d0wn th0se hills, h00ting and h0llering. It was fun and c0ld but we always l00ked f0rward t0 it. We lived in rain c0untry and rarely g0t sn0w. S0 it was a treat, I think I still think 0f it that way.
S0 whatever y0ur weather, snuggle up and enj0y the ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No snow here yet! Sometimes we don't see any till January or February.
Enjoy it. I sure do love the first snowfall. Sipping a cup of something and watching the flakes come down.