Monday, November 19, 2007

This is sunrise 0n Thanksgiving m0rning.
A picture my m0m t00k and I really enj0y.
I l0ve t0 watch sunsets and 0n the 0ccasi0n that I am up f0r a sunrise. It makes me think ab0ut all 0f G0ds creati0n. Beautiful.

S0 right n0w I am staying up late cause we finally get sn0w and I d0n't want t0 miss th0se first few flakes and t0 watch it c0me d0wn. I l0ve the quiet and the hush that c0mes with the sn0wfall and the silence that c0mes because 0f it.

S0 the changing 0f the seas0ns has c0me again and time is flying by. We start thinking and planning f0r Christmas, and start the mad rush t0 it. As the years have g0ne 0n f0r me, I d0n't tend t0 d0 the rush thing, I am beginnning t0 learn t0 sav0r the m0ments m0re and sl0w d0wn t0 see what is g0ing 0n ar0und me. T0 enj0y the smell 0f the fresh cut tree, laughing with the grands, talking in fr0nt 0f the fire with my dh, making fun things f0r th0se grands. Appreciateing my family and the time I get t0 spend with them. Being m0re reflective.

This year my br0ther and family are headed this way. We are g0ing t0 his daughter's h0use, my niece, we have a l0t 0f fun t0gether. We eat 0f c0arse, but then we bring 0ut the b0ard games and laugh and laugh and laugh s0me m0re. Then late int0 the evening we head h0me. I can't wait.

S0 what will y0u day be like? Remember t0 sav0r a few 0f th0se m0ments, and n0t let the rush and s0me 0f th0se pesky pe0ple ruin y0ur day, let their junk stay their junk and have fun!!!!


Anonymous said...

Carol Sue,
Board games! One of family's favorite things to do. Holidays are always a good reason to get together and play.
Is this for Thanksgiving or Christmas you do this. We play them most anytime we can get another person to play. My son and I will sometimes take an evening and just play games. He's soon to be 20. The youngest, and he won't be a teenager anymore. I'm gonna miss that. He is such a gentleman and looks after his mom and sister when his dad is not around to do it. Like when we go out together shopping or something. AHH rambling sorry. I enjoy reading your blog. Take a peek at mine sometime. I am trying to be more faithful about posting.

@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

Lovely photo, Carol Sue. Aren't times like these so inspiring?