Friday, November 2, 2007


D0n't ya hate it when y0u type a bl0g and it ends up in 0uter space cause y0u can't figure 0ut what in the w0rld y0u did? Yep, that w0uld be me t0night. Had 0ne all typed and have n0 idea what I did.

D0nt ya l0ve my 0's, my 0 key bit the dust big time and using zer0s!!!!
It needs a dr visit, and h0pefully will get that in t0m0rr0w.

S0 yesterday was my birthday and my daughter's. Yep, she was b0rn 0n her due date and my birthday. S0 the very first thing we did, went and g0t my flu sh0t. N0w h0w exciting was that!!! Then we g0t t0 g0 have c0ffee with a dear friend d0wnt0wn and sh0wed her ar0und. That was a l0t 0f fun, had lunch and then headed t0 my dr appt. Yes, what fun 0n a birthday.
But truly it was, I have had extreme muscle pain f0r 0ver a year and have c0me d0wn t0 the b0tt0m 0f it, spent alm0st 2 h0urs with the specialist being tested and asking a gazilli0n 0f questi0ns and having them answered. Diagn0sis was Fibr0myalgia, n0t fun but will d0 the educating 0f myself and taking care 0f myself.

S0 here is a th0ught, when was the last time y0u t00k a time 0ut f0r y0urself, n0t always s0mething big, like watching the sunset, a nice bubble bath, just stepping 0utside and taking a breath 0f the c0ld crisp air, a 5 minute break in 0ur days makes a difference. We as w0men are great at nurturing 0thers but h0w g00d are we at d0ing that f0r 0urselves. Isn't it funny that we w0rk at all 0ur relati0nships but d0 we w0rk 0n the relati0nship with 0urselves, taking 5 minutes 0ut a day just f0r us. N0w I am n0t y0ung and I am still learning h0w t0 d0 this!!!!

S0 f0r me 0ne 0f the things I d0 f0r myself is getting myself a haircut, it makes me feel great!!! S0 after that news, it is what I did f0r myself. It made me feel better, s0 I head f0r h0me and my dh is all dressed up t0 take me 0ut t0 dinner and I am t00 p00ped 0ut t0 g0. He gave me a w0nderful kiss and said later. It has been an interesting j0urney in the last year.
This m0rning he came in with a d0zen r0ses f0r my birthday and said it was w0rth it just t0 see the smile 0n my face. N0w that is sweet. Mind y0u, we have 0ur m0ments, and wh0 w0uldn't after alm0st 25 years.

N0w my dh hates driving but it is 0ne 0f the things that he has d0ne because I truthfully d0 n0t want t0 get a DUI taking the meds that I have t0 right n0w. N0w there w0uld be a fine feathered mess, telling my parents and grandkids why I am in jail.....n0pe d0n't even want t0 g0 there!!!!!!! S0 I have t0 admit it is kinda funny t0 see my guy getting 0ut 0f my small Ge0 Metr0 with the purple hubcaps. Yes, y0u read right, purple hubcaps. Dh painted them f0r me.
He says that his driving is his way 0f getting back at the 0il c0mpanies, waving as we g0 past all th0se gas stati0ns.....l0l Yes, it gets g00d gas milage.

H0w was that f0r a side track?
0kay, f0r the next c0uple 0f days, h0w ab0ut thinking ab0ut and d0ing 5 minute breaks f0r y0urselves. When y0u take care 0f y0urselves it makes a difference f0r y0ur families and friends and best 0f all f0r 0urselves. I will be w0rking 0n this as well, hey, I didn't say I had it all figured 0ut yet.....l0l

I f0und my l0st p0st.....repeats 0f things fr0m yesterday....L0L



Bee Haven Bev said...

Carol are such a dear, dear woman. Hope with time your pain lessens, though! It has been great getting to know you better...keep blogging!!!

Katie said...

How true, Carol, that as the caretakers and relationship-builders, we forget to take those minutes to take care of ourselves. I will feed my soul and my body today with a walk in our lovely, crisp sunny fall air. And I'm sending healing thoughts your way. Hope you discover some ways to reduce your pain . . . and hope you keep reminding us all to take time for the quiet moments.

Janice Hall said...

Carol Sue - I LOVE it that you have a GEO Metro! I drove mine for 10 years(92 - 2002) until my friend and mechanic Mike said I had to let go! It was not fixable any more! I MISS my 'baby car'!!! That was the BEST car EVER!!! I was the taxi driver for my son and his friends for years with that gas miser! :D You and I must be twins separated at birth - we have the same size vintage trailers, we have had Metros, we save old house parts-LOL! Love your blog! -Janice Hall(Miss Bee Haven-MJF) :)